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5 Steps of the Sale Audio Course

Close 99% MORE SALES By Using The Five Steps of the Sale 


Welcome to "Transform Your Sales Game: The Five Steps of the Sale" Audio Course by Paul R. Atkinson, CPC

Congratulations on enrolling in a course that will revolutionize your sales strategy and elevate your performance to new heights!

Course Overview:

This powerful audio program will guide you through Paul R. Atkinson's proven Five Steps of the Sale, which have helped professionals close 99% of their presentations and generate over $150 million in sales volume.

Why This Course is Essential:

  • Master the Art of Selling: Learn the exact steps Paul has used since 1993 to consistently close deals.
  • Proven Techniques: Build immediate rapport, ignite curiosity, foster conviction, and create a strong desire in your prospects.
  • Real-World Success: Join over 300 salespeople who have achieved six and seven-figure incomes in their first year using these methods.
  • Exclusive Insights: Gain practical strategies from Paul's best-selling book, "The Five Steps of the Sale."

Course Highlights:

  1. Conversation: Master techniques to make buyers like, trust, and believe in you.
  2. Curiosity: Generate interest in your products or services.
  3. Conviction: Present your proposals effectively by addressing wants, needs, and dominant buying motives (DBM).
  4. Desire: Use psychological techniques to handle objections and secure commitment.
  5. Close: Learn the critical do's and don'ts of closing to seal the deal every time.

Limited-Time Offer:

Gain immediate access for just $197 (normally $297) and receive the bonus eBook "How to Get a Listing in 7 Days" for free. Plus, book your One-On-One Growth Call with Paul to receive a personalized note in his new paperback book, "The Five Steps of the Sale."

Success Stories:

  • John D., Realtor: "In just one day, I applied the techniques from the course and secured a new listing! My confidence and skills have improved dramatically."
  • Sarah M., Sales Professional: "This course is a goldmine. I closed three deals in the first week! Paul’s methods are easy to follow and incredibly effective."
  • Michael S., Broker: "Paul's strategies transformed my business. I went from struggling to consistently closing deals. The course paid for itself within the first day."

Upgrade Opportunity:

Take your learning further with the 90-Day Business Accelerator Course. The $197 you pay for this audio course will be credited back to you when you upgrade.

Start Your Transformation Now!

Click the button below to get instant access and join the elite group of top-performing sales professionals today!

Get Instant Access for $197 Now!

Welcome aboard and get ready to transform your sales approach!


Nick Cecchetto

Nancy Brown

Debrah Sutherland 

Carlos Campana


Congratulations on deciding to enroll in this course that will teach you how to improve your selling skills and how to close more sales.




Return Policy: All sales are final, once an event, class, or course is purchased, there is no refund. However, a credit of the equal amount paid will remain with Positive Reinforcement Attitudes, Inc. Dba: Successful Business Academy records for the purchaser for up to a (12) Twelve month period. The purchase may be used as a credit towards any product or services offered by Positive Reinforcement Attitudes, Inc. Dba: Successful Business Academy within this time limit.